Actual number: 4/2021
ISSN 1339-5017 (Online)
Author: Michal KRBAŤA, Pavol MIKÚŠ, Ondrej PILCH
Abstract: The steady increase worldwide of requirements on the quality and performance of ferrous materials as well as ever stricter environmental regulations make new developments necessary to constantly improve the wear and corrosion protection of components and tools. Furthermore, because the treatment of steel surfaces can cut the need for valuable alloying elements in the base materials, the development of environmentally friendly and industrially applicable methods for the modification and coating of ferrous materials is one of the most important challenges in surface technology. This work is focused on the general characteristics of plasma nitriding, its technical and structural properties, and applications.
Keywords: surface, diffusion layer, nitriding, plasma
Vol. 10, 2016, No. 4, p. 1-3
Author: Michal KRBAŤA, Ivana MIKUŠOVÁ, Ondrej PILCH
Abstract: Technology of plasma nitriding processing a large number of machine components. In these components increases the hardness of 1200 HV and nitriding layer thickness reaches 0.6 mm. Fatigue limit in the plasma nitrided round bars increased by 60 %. Plasma nitrided parts are also corrosion resistant. Particularly oxinitriding shift has been made of the first traces of corrosion in steel 12 050 and 15 230 from 3 hours to 320 hours. In military technology is application of plasma nitriding for example. holes artillery barrel and crankshafts aircraft piston engines.
Keywords: Plasma nitriding, hardness, fatigue strength, corrosion resistance
Vol. 10, 2016, No. 4, p. 4-6
Author: Peter LIPTÁK
Abstract: Operation of special equipment is possible in crisis situations. It is because special equipment is designed for operation in non-standard often extreme conditions and situation, it is available, it has a high degree of crossing capability and it is able to provide basic living conditions even in field, e.g. provision of power for hospital, transportation of wounded and injured persons, supplies, medical care in field conditions, delivery of potable and utility water etc. The authors in the paper deal with a possibility to provide electric energy through advanced renewable sources, especially in meeting tasks in areas with no public mains, possible supplies of potable and non-potable water, embedding such assets into mobile systems. The authors in publication summarize results of research within the „Use of renewable sources of energy in practice“project. System of modeling and computer-aided simulation of renewable sources of energy has been proposed within this project. Application of a system for designing of power systems in logistic containers is expected. The knowledge on power balance of logistic containers operated by the SR Armed Forces in missions abroad is summarized in the last chapter of the paper.
Keywords: Crisis situations, renewable sources of energy, photovoltaic collectors, logistic container, power systems, mobile assets of crisis management
Vol. 10, 2016, No. 4, p. 7-14
Author: Peter LIPTÁK, Ivan KOPECKÝ
Abstract: Renewable sources of electric energy are prospective sources; they are cheap, available and prospective. Decrease of an intensity of energy supply can be substitute through a mutual combination with other source. The paper deals with a situation when wind, water sources and solar energy are used. The possibility and intensity of supplies is monitored with PC in form of user software based on which the sources are being switched on for operation. In case of a dropout they are substituted with diesel electric sources of energy. Energy can be stored in accumulators and regulated with regulators and converters. The whole equipment is placed in containers, it means, that it is mobile and applicable in any conditions. The equipment has been designed in a prototype based on a project and currently it is measured and tested. The paper provides preliminary results of such operation.
Keywords: mobile equipment, container, photovoltaic collector, wind turbine, an electric source plant
Vol. 10, 2016, No. 4, p. 15-19
Author: Danka RAKÚSOVÁ, Milan JUS
Abstract: Early versions of standardized containers were used in Europe before World War II. Construction of these containers had a steel frame with wooden walls, floor, roof and doors. Current containers meet strict requirements set by the International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC). Today the owners know where their container is located through Internet of things technology. [1] Their container passes from the dispatch point [2] up to the destination point with no touch to its contents. Application of container cranes, spreaders, frames, centralizers ensure a full safety for goods, equipment and even working personnel.
Keywords: container, spreader, frame, centralizer, crane
Vol. 10, 2016, No. 4, p. 20-26
Author: Ľudmila TIMÁROVÁ
Abstract: Armor materials are remarkable: Able to stop multiple hits and save lives, they are essential to our military capability in the current conflicts. But as threats have increased, armor systems have become heavier, creating a huge burden for the warfighter and even for combat vehicles. In this article is describe material used for personal armor, armored vehicles and transparent armor.
Keywords: ballistic armor, lightweight armour, armour classification
Vol. 10, 2016, No. 4, p. 27-31