Actual number: 4/2021
ISSN 1339-5017 (Online)
Author: Oľga BOČÁKOVÁ
Abstract: A welfare state covers a lot of issues such as the old age, handicapped people, disease rate, etc. The social policy discusses social benefits, social assistance, employment policy, etc. The relation between a welfare state and a social policy is the basis for creating conditions to meet human needs and the needs of a society.
Keywords: welfare state, social policy, human needs, social assistance
Vol. 7, 2013, No. 1, p. 2-6
Author: Marian BUŠŠA
Abstract: This paper attempts to evaluate contemporary political radicalism and extremism in Slovakia. In order to do so, it first tries to clarify the definition of each of these concepts and states the criteria, that radical and extremist political subjects should meet. Further it deals with the relationship between democratic political regime and anti-system parties and with the issue of legal political activity of anti-system political subjects. Finally it considers three approaches to research and counting of radical and extremist political parties and presents an overview of contemporary radical and extremist political parties in Slovakia.
Keywords: radical, extreme, left, right, anti-system
Vol. 7, 2013, No. 1, p. 7-10
Author: Mária IGAZOVÁ
Abstract: Definitions of the third sector by some authors active in the field .Roles of the third sector in the field of social services. The share of the organizations active in the third sector. Features of the organizations. Non- profit organizations in the field of social services in the city of Trenčín.
Keywords: the third sector, its definitions and roles, social services
Vol. 7, 2013, No. 1, p. 11-14
Author: Karol JANAS, Marian BUŠŠA
Abstract: This article is dealing with the issue of local Crisis Management and its tools, tasks and functions. It is executed by the Crisis Headquarters of the city, which is a specialised institution designed to react to and solve Crisis Situations on local level. To reach this goal it adopts particular internal structure and sets tasks for each respective member. It also acts as an important element in the complex system of Crisis Management of the Slovak Republic. Therefore a study of the component of this system, that is closest to the citizens, has a high value for analysis and evaluation of the Crisis Management of the state.
Keywords: crisis management, crisis headquarters, solution, tasks
Vol. 7, 2013, No. 1, p. 15-19
Author: Darina KUBÍČKOVÁ
Abstract: “To actually really enjoy the retiremen,t the most important thing we wish is to pass the years up to the old-age in a good health. And thereby we do not only mean to be fit physically but also our mind to be still fresh. How to achieve this?” (Rytmus života, p. 9, 2013). A quality of life with its variousness and unrepeatability is the multidimensional nature of the pillar and includes many attributes of the meaning of a life of person in each stage of his existence. The seniors and their problems are dealt by our Slovak Republic using existing legislation but also through the National programme for the protection of older people, which is based on the principles of the United Nations. The challenges of the United nations was in 1999 accepted and processed in our country by the Government of the Slovak Republic National programme for the protection of older people. The program stems from the demographic development of the Slovak population, enshrines the necessary changes in the field of social security, education and health policy. Long-term complex policy strategy of the ageing population is contained in the Action plan. (Repková, 2000).
Keywords: seniors, the Slovak Republic, demographic developments, the quality of life, the meaning of life
Vol. 7, 2013, No. 1, p. 20-24
Author: Zuzana KUBIŠOVÁ
Abstract: Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible.
Keywords: human rights, history, universal declaration of human rights
Vol. 7, 2013, No. 1, p. 25-28
Author: Marcel LINCÉNYI, Getnet TAMENE
Abstract: The mass media plays a significant liaison role of providing the social reality to recipients of the current society. During such commercial period as of today, however, the mass media prefers the entertaining function, while minimizing, or even eliminating, the informative, canvassing, cultural and educative functions, thus fails to realize its public role for the society. Most media, today, from news to advertising, rely on spectacle, simplification and exaggeration to grab and hold audiences. Much of the current media is beset by idealization and demonization in which media manipulators depict themselves and their allies as heroes and saints, and their opponents or targets as villains, fools and disturbed characters, both to create exciting stories and win battles. What is missing is precisely the information, which would discredit the system and result in reforms that would lock out many of those who now work to maintain the system solely for their own benefit.
Keywords: mass media, role, features, public opinion, social reality
Vol. 7, 2013, No. 1, p. 29-33
Author: Alena TOMÁŠIKOVÁ
Abstract: Historically, all regional systems of human rights protection derive from the universal system set by the United Nations and the African system is regarded as the youngest. As consequence, to undertake the present essay requires to make a comparison of the African system with its predecessors. In such respect a great emphasis will be laid on the main instruments, the rights entrenched and the enforcement machinery. These benchmarks are kinds of tools that will be use to achieve the comparison and to show up how original the ACPRH is, to what extend the African system differs from other regional systems.
Keywords: protection of human rights, regional system, Africa, human rights
Vol. 7, 2013, No. 1, p. 34-36