Actual number: 4/2021
ISSN 1339-5017 (Online)
Author: Peter CSANYI
Abstract: This paper deals with Brexit (the UK’s leaving the EU) and its possible impact on the United Kingdom’s politics, economy and the future relationship with the European Union. For the majority of businesses in Great Britain the possibility the UK might leave the European Union is a major source of concern. Both the break with the EU and the uncertainty associated with it would be bad for business and damaging to the UK economy as well as the compactness of country due to the independence efforts of its nations. A great deal has now been written on the economic and political consequences for the UK of Brexit. Some of this is impartial; much of it is partisan. Very little has been written on the consequences for the rest of the UK’s nations. While the biggest impact of Brexit would be on the United Kingdom, there can be little doubt that there will also be a significant impact on the rest of the European Union.
Keywords: referendum, Brexit, the United Kingdom, economy, impact
Vol. 11, 2017, No. 1, p. 1-5
Author: Pavol HRIVÍK
Abstract: The article is a reaction to the European Commission´s White Paper on the EU´s future released on 1 March 2017. It presents and reviews the fundamental scenarios of next evolution of the Union involved in the Paper. The following five scenarios – “Carrying on”, “Nothing but the single market”, “Those who want more do more”, “Doing less more efficiently” and “Doing much more together” – are appreciated. The scenarios shall create a frame and routing of debates on the EU´s future by 2025. Attention is also dedicated to some weaknesses and deficiencies of the White Paper, and to some other reflections and aspects of the next EU27.
Keywords: European Union, scenarios of the next EU´s development, the EU27´s future
Vol. 11, 2017, No. 1, p. 6-9
Author: Karol JANAS
Abstract: Slovak political system went through lots of changes during the years of normalization process. Apart from economic stagnation it was political stagnation spreading after the year of 1968 in comparison with quite liberal political situation in the early 1960s. The influence of existing political regime became stronger and even brought restrictions of minimal political freedom that started after reform movement in 1968.
Keywords: Political system, election, normalization, Communist Party, Považské strojárne
Vol. 11, 2017, No. 1, p. 10-15
Author: Marcel LINCÉNYI
Abstract: The mass media play a notable role in the society – they report important information about the world, culture, politics as well as present the image of socialization. The media is also an intermediary in forming an important public opinion. This critical ability is often manipulated and is misused in exercising the interests of the powers that be. The mass media have a potential to set media topics via communication channels which further on induce forum. Editorial offices do not have the ability to deform the minds of the masses one hundred percent, but they can mediate selected information to the receivers which has the effect of slightly modifying their opinion.
Keywords: The media, Functions of the media, Agenda setting, Media reality, Public opinion
Vol. 11, 2017, No. 1, p. 16-18
Author: Miroslav ŘÁDEK
Abstract: Critique of democracy and the elite theory represent the classical themes of political thought. Democracy was presented as an unacceptable form of government already in classical Greek philosophy. And elite theory, as a reflexion of practical democratic politics, belongs mainly to the second half of the 19th century while it also partially influenced totalitarian political movements of the first half of the 20th century. This paper will focus on the two most significant elite theories by Italian thinkers Gaetano Mosca and Vilfredo Pareto. The paper uses content analysis of their main works and subsequently tries to compare between them. In the conclusion it contains evaluation of the elite theory for the present day and the outcomes of the comparison.
Keywords: democracy, elite, politics, law, psychology
Vol. 11, 2017, No. 1, p. 19-22
Author: Štefan VOLNER
Abstract: Contemporary global geopolitical structure. Main geopolitical axes at the beginning of the 21st century. Theoretical approaches: historical approach, approach based on the balance of power of geopolitical players, approach based on the flow of strategic resources, energy resources, trade, finance and investments, politico-military interests and activities, geopolitical epicenters, clashes of civilizations, global social chaos, clash between sea power and land power, global communication within global geopolitical space and global geopolitical blocs.
Keywords: geopolitics, geopolitical activity, geopolitical structure of the world, geopolitical epicenters, geo-energetics, geopolitical axes, geopolitical player, communication routes
Vol. 11, 2017, No. 1, p. 23-28