Actual number: 4/2021
ISSN 1339-5017 (Online)
Author: Zdenka KRAJČOVIČOVÁ, Rastislav ZIGO, Iveta MATIŠÁKOVÁ, Vladimír MELUŠ, Katarína GERLICHOVÁ
Abstract: Hearing loss is a serious interference with the individual's quality of life. Among the new options of its therapy belongs Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). In our preliminary study, we evaluated the results of audiometric tests of the first 9 probants exposed to HBOT and 8 individuals of control group treated without HBOT support, all with sudden idiopathic hearing loss. Obtained results showed remarkable positive influence of HBOT on the level of improvement and compensation of hearing impairment in tested probants in comparison with control group. Although the present number of tested individuals does not allow us to postulate a definitive conclusion, we found notable HBOT positive impact on the average rate of improvement of hearing individuals.
Keywords: Hearing loss, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Audiometric test
Vol. 10, 2016, No. 3, p. 2-6
Author: Martin ČELKO, Juraj ČELKO
Abstract: Background: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) provides an increased supply of oxygen to the tissues, thereby promoting healing processes and regeneration.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify the possibility of using HBO in the dental practice.
Methods: In the review article we present findings from studies published in electronic databases and journals until the end of 2015 aimed at the effect of HBO in dental indications.
Results: HBO, as an adjuvant therapy of patients after the head and neck irradiation, significantly improves the reparative capacity of the damaged hypoxic, hypovascular and hypocellular tissue and reduces implant failures in these environs. HBO´s beneficial effect was also observed in the treatment of refractory osteomyelitis. HBO´s effect as an adjuvant therapy of aggresive periodontitis is probably due to a significant reduction of number of anaerobic microorganisms.
Conclusion: HBO provides the most benefit in tissues with vessels which have good blood flow. The anatomical structure of the mouth with its rich vascular beds is an advantage to benefit from the treatment. Results of the studies show that its use in dentistry is beneficial.
Keywords: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, Dentistry, Osteoradionecrosis, Implant failure
Vol. 10, 2016, No. 3, p. 7-11
Abstract: Objective: The article deals with the impact of respiratory gymnastics on the curve of exhaled oxygen (ExO2) from the monitoring system consisting of pressure depending on ExO2 in the units of mmHg from the duration of exposure in patients treated by hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Sub-objectives were focused on re-education of breathing and further depended on individual circumstances of the selected patients and concerning reduction of spasticity, increase of muscle strength and the extent of motion.
The survey sample: Three respondents aged from 31 to 85. Two patients with Dg. Stroke and one patient with Dg. Sudden hearing loss. All the respondents were assigned to the treatment with hyperbaric oxygen therapy at the Centre for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Faculty of Healthcare of Alexander Dubcek University of Trencin in Trencin.
Methods: Qualitative research: In the three case studies we have focused on monitoring of exhaled O2 recording system Haux-MEDICAL MONITORING SYSTEM, in 12-seat hyperbaric chamber Haux-STARMED 2200. The record of ExO2 consisted from the dependence of ExO2 pressure in the units of mmHg during the exposure.
Results: The changes in dynamics of breathing curves were objectified in the first and third patient and expressed as a percentage. In the first patient, the dynamics of the curve ExO2 changed after 20 exposures and 10-exercise units with localized breathing 6.8% without noise variance at ExO2 increase of 81 mmHg. In the third patient the changes were obtained after 6-exposures and 5-training units with localized breathing the dynamics curve ExO2 was changed by 10.2% with the significant reduction in the amount of noise compared with noise during the second exposure. ExO2 value raised in 122 mmHg. In patients with tinnitus (Case Study No. 2) there was the value ExO2 and low noise from the beginning of therapy, as was evidenced in the curve ExO2. The level of noise exposure in the last phase was reduced which is evident in the curves ExO2 in the second case study
Conclusion: In the various indications of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, the main objective of respiratory gymnastics for patients treated in it is always the same: to achieve increase in the levels of medical oxygen in blood, and thus increase its amount in the body after exposure.
Keywords: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, Respiratory gymnastics, Re-education of breathing
Vol. 10, 2016, No. 3, p. 12-16
Abstract: Aim of the survey: To assess the influence of risk factors such as smoking the cigarettes, alcohol consumption, diet, level of physical activity and the incidence of mental stress on the efficiency of the cardiovascular system.
Methods: In our survey were participated 93 probants aged 18-25 years. Cardiovascular efficiency was assessed using Ruffier test. Based on its outcome were probants divided into three groups (A - good to excellent cardiovascular efficiency, B - average cardiovascular efficiency, C - below average circulation efficiency). There was used the questionnaire consisting of the questions directed on the lifestyle and incidence of the risk factors for the cardiovascular insufficiency. Incidence of various risk factors were compared in each group.
Results: In group C was the largest representation of abstainers (30.55%) and non-smokers (80.55%). The probants in this group also fared best in an effort to respect the principles of healthy eating. While the largest representation of (42.31%) probants with low levels of physical activity was in group A, the largest representation of probants with high levels of physical activity was in Group B.
Conclusion: We were unable to confirm the negative impact of selected risk factors for cardiovascular efficiency. It should be thing to realize, that the incidence of a risk factor does not immediately mean a deficiency of the cardiovascular system. Only continuous exposure to various risk factors leads to cardiovascular deficiency. The cardiovascular deficiency should be prevented by preferring a healthy lifestyle.
Keywords: Cardiovascular system, Ruffier test, Cardiovascular efficiency, Probant
Vol. 10, 2016, No. 3, p. 17-23
Author: Nikoleta POLIAKOVÁ, Eva KRÁLOVÁ, Katarína FUDALYOVÁ
Abstract: Epilepsy is a neurological disease that occurs all over the world without regard to race, age, sex, geographical location and socio-economic situation. It is a disease which potentially decreases the quality of life. The goal of our contribution is to present research results of the impact of epilepsy on individual dimensions of quality of life and the relationship with duration of the disease, ability to work, co-operation of patients and the membership in EPI association. The research sample consisted of 134 respondents with epilepsy in the regions of Nitra, Žilina and Prešov. The research method used was the questionnaire of own construction. The research results were analysed χ2 chi-square test. The research results confirmed that epilepsy has greater impact on mental condition than on physical condition, higher quality of life was found in the patients with better ability to work, the patients who proved better compliance. Quality of life decreased with the length of disease. The membership in EPI association had no significant impact on the quality of life.
Keywords: Quality of life, Epilepsy, Ability to work, EPI association
Vol. 10, 2016, No. 3, p. 24-27
Abstract: Background: The significance of evaluation of quality of life related to health lies in identification of health problems, observation of changes, responses to treatment, making communication more effective and in the increase of patient adherence towards treatment. Chronic heart failure significantly affects the lives of patients and their close relatives. The goal of comprehensive treatment of the disease is mainly the improvement of quality of life that includes the reduction of symptoms, increased tolerance to stress, reduced mortality and prolongation of patient´s life.
Research sample and methods: Sampling: there were selected 116 outpatients and inpatients (76 men and 40 women), undergoing treatment for chronic heart failure for at least one year, in functional NYHA classification II – IV. For data acquisition we used the method of standardised questionnaire WHOQoL (The World Health Organization Quality of Life) – BREF (shortened version, 26 item version of the questionnaire WHOQoL – 100), assessing the quality of life in the sphere physical and psychological, in the field of social relationships and the environment.
Results: In the patients with chronic heart failure there was obtained significantly lower quality of life and satisfaction with health (Q1 – 2.9; Q2 – 2.7). Statistical testing proved the following correlations: between the age of a patient with chronic heart failure and his or her satisfaction with health and life; between gender and satisfaction with health and life; between the length of treatment, the incidence of negative emotions and assessment of quality of life.
Conclusions: Chronic heart failure has a negative impact on the quality of life in patients with this disease.
Keywords: Health related quality of life, questionnaire WHOQoL – BREF, patients with chronic heart failure
Vol. 10, 2016, No. 3, p. 28-40
Author: Eva KRÁLOVÁ, Zdenka KRAJČOVIČOVÁ, Vladimír MELUŠ, Rastislav ZIGO
Abstract: Musicians are inherently considered a risk group for the development of tinnitus and hearing disorders. Contemporary renowned performers suffer from tinnitus and hearing difficulties mainly due to increased acoustic load. However, from the history as well as from the present, we know the specific examples of musicians suffering from disorders or even hearing loss in whom etiopathogenesis of the disease is much more complex. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy with its complex effect on the metabolism of an individual appears to be auspicious and promising therapeutic tool for individuals with acquired hearing impairment. In the case of its using it is necessary to develop and validate therapeutic approaches from a comprehensive view of physicians, nurses as well as from the perspective of laboratory determination of important metabolic markers.
Keywords: Tinnitus, Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, A musician.
Vol. 10, 2016, No. 3, p. 41-45
Abstract: The article outlines the possibilities of application of music and its elements in therapy of the youth. Appreciating the various functions of music and its influence on human being personality, the authors prove that it can have both positive and negative influence on the adolescents. With relation to the academic paradigms, paying attention to possibilities of therapy through music and its educational functions may result in participation on intervention and therapeutic programmes in various care-educational places as well as schools. For this reason music-therapy is mainly directed at the youth displaying disorders of emotional, behavioural, developmental, mental, personality or social character.
Keywords: Music, Therapy, Maladjusted youth, Intervention programmes, Adolescents
Vol. 10, 2016, No. 3, p. 46-49