Actual number: 4/2021
ISSN 1339-5017 (Online)
Abstract: In this article we are dealing with generations that are different from each other by their characteristic in terms of time which they live in. Naturally, generational conflicts arise between the younger and older generations. We describe the generational conflict from the subjective and also objective point of view. In the empirical part we have tried to find out the attitudes of young people towards older people and vice versa, the attitudes of older people towards younger people.
Keywords: Generation. Older generation. Younger generation. Generational conflict. Social conflict.
Vol. 10, 2016, No. 1, p. 1-9
Author: Pavol HRIVÍK
Abstract: The article deals with the creating of fundamentals for application of a supranational approach in modern European Integration. Major attention is dedicated to a federalist integration paradigm, to concrete forms of implementation of federalism principles in looking for the most suitable arrangement of Europe with the aim of ensuring peace and stability and so to avoid war conflicts. The birth of the European Communities and, consequently, the European Union confirms a dominant role of supranational federalism in European Integration, and the model of multilevel governance in the functioning of the contemporary Union can be considered as a transitional phase on the way towards the federalist organization of Europe.
Keywords: European Integration, supranational integration initiatives, European federalism, key eurofederalists
Vol. 10, 2016, No. 1, p. 10-15
Author: Karol JANAS, Rudolf KUCHARČÍK
Abstract: In November 2016 elections are held in the USA. Not only new president will be elected but also majority of the Congress will be chosen (all members of the House of Representatives and about one third of the Senate). What about presidential election Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are top favourites. But also Bernie Sanders from Democratic Party and Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio from Republican Party could play important role in the politics in the future even if they are not elected.
Keywords: election, United States, 2016, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton
Vol. 10, 2016, No. 1, p. 16-19
Author: Miroslav ŘÁDEK
Abstract: The aim of the article is to analyse the development and programmatic standpoint of the Czech liberal-conservative political stream. We use the concept of Euroscepticism, presented in the works of Szczerbiak and Taggart, and Kopecký and Mudde as the theoretical framework, and develop this concept based on Petr Kaniok’s new typology. In the first part of our analysis we discuss the development of the Eurosceptic faction within the Civic Democratic Party (ODS), and changes in the party’s position towards the EU. We also understand the Eurosceptic faction within the ODS, with Václav Klaus as its supporter and think tanks related to him, as the incubator for the establishment of the Party of Free Citizens (SSO) in 2009. In the second part of the analysis we focus on the party’s programme and its position within the European political arena. Our analysis also includes a discussion about most visible proclamations of the party leaders, against the EU and the European integration process. Our analysis is framed with the general debate about the liberal-conservative party family and its development at the EU level.
Keywords: Party of Free Citizens; Euroscepticism; Eurogovernmentalism; anti-EU parties; Conservatives and Reformists Group; Civic Democratic Party; Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy;
Vol. 10, 2016, No. 1, p. 20-25
Author: Pavol Struhár
Abstract: The paper deals with Slovak far right political parties and their suggested solutions of Roma issue in parliamentary elections 2016. Two relevant parties are analysed - “The Slovak National Party” (SNS) and “Kotleba – People´s party Our Slovakia” (LSNS). The paper examines and compares the electoral manifestos 2012 and 2016 and also official expressions of party´s leaders on their official websites or social network profiles. As concluded, there is a significant difference between campaign of SNS in 2012 and 2016, as the party has changed their aggressive rhetoric against Roma people and actually does not offer any radical ideas or proposals in this matter. On the other side, LSNS keeps in using anti-Roma agenda in their campaigns; it does not refine the rhetoric or radical ideas and proposals. These findings help to understand the difference between two main far right parties in the Slovak republic and explain the different motivations of their voters.
Keywords: Kotleba – People´s party Our Slovakia, Slovak National Party, Roma issue, parliamentary elections, far right
Vol. 10, 2016, No. 1, p. 26-29
Author: Štefan VOLNER
Abstract: Scientific-technical development and its importance for dynamic social development. The main directions of application of scientific-technical development: information; substance; energy and work. The key information, which form the basics and content of development of nature and society are: cosmic information, genetic information, social information and scientific-technical information. The scientific-technical system changes and will change especially all types of information radically, their application on creation of new substance, new energy, new tools and methods of work. It will change the structure of society and activities of humanity radically (from cosmos to nanoworld). This process will not be connected only with “advantages” for humanity, but will also be accompanied by various risks and threats for humanity, states and individuals.
Keywords: scientific-technical development, information, cosmic information, genetic information, social information, scientific-technical information, substance, energy.
Vol. 10, 2016, No. 1, p. 30-36